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Tutorials and Study Materials


 These videos are made for two reasons. 1) to record my learning process and 2) to be helpful guides to other interested in the topics. 

The videos are on the following topics:


1) Anki- (a superior flashcard system- but not so user friendly)

2) Syntax (quick lessons on the structural phenomenon found in language)

3) R (programming tutorials)

4) Excel (how to use algorithms)

5) Praat (for sound transcriptions)

6)Excel(for data management)

7)Psychopy (for experiments)


Study Materials

This section is dedicated to study guides and flashcards. I find single page synopsis pages useful for review and synthesizing. I hope that you find the following information useful in some way. 


I find the process of making study guides helpful for my personal understanding and I share them in the hopes that it will help others better understand the relationship between the topics, concepts and ideas. In studies relating to language and data analysis it is often necessary to develop a vocabulary that is capable of bearing the conceptual burden of the complexities found in the field. 

I constantly use flashcard in every area that I am developing skills. Flashcards (particularly useful- spaced repetition) are used successfully by many people from elementary through medical school. Repetition and memorization allow one to develop a set of on demand information that can help build a skeleton structure for future knowledge to be organized into. 


Study Materials


Here you can download my flashcard sets. These decks are not without error. However, I believe that they are useful. You can edit them in Anki (or another flashcard service) if you would like. Happy learning!

Refer to my download and import video for Anki import if you have any problems

Study Guides, Psychopy Experiment Templates

Study Guides

single sheet study guides,

power points, etc

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