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Photo by: Ding Wang





Home: Welcome


The Short version

I am currently a Ph.D fellow studying language learning and processing. Specifically, I am interested in non-native speech perception, corpus analysis, exemplar and statistical learning, data-driven language learning, and data analytics. I am currently working to better understand the relationship between processing and learning through the implementation of multimodal learning strategies (auditory and visual).


My research is fundamentally tied to data science and data analytics. I am continually learning new skills in R, Python, and SQL. I work with several tools for my research and hope to document my learning process on this site under tutorials. I hope that these tutorials can act as both a documentation of my learning process and hopefully a learning resource for others interested in using these tools.  

Outside academics I have many interests. I am an avid birder. I always have my bix with me just in case a feathered friend perches in an unlikely place.


This site is in its beginning stages- It will be added to over time and become a fully functional personal page

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